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Immature Stages of Leucospidae


Immature stages of Leucospidae were discussed in detail by Clausen (1940), as follows:


The eggs have been described only for Leucospis gigans (Fig. 104A) and L. affinis, and these are quite similar, being club‑shaped and curved and bearing a dense covering of minute papillae.  The egg of L. gigas is exceedingly large, measuring 3.0 mm. in length.  The anterior end is broadest, and the posterior portion is appreciably narrowed.


The first‑instar larva of L. gigas (Fig.  104B), as described by Parker (1924), is elongated in form, with a large, moderately sclerotized head and 13 distinct body segments, of which the last is expanded into a retractile, sucker‑like organ.  The head bears prominent cylindrical antennae and four pairs of long sensory hairs.  Each body segment bears three pairs of long and heavy spines and, in addition, a median band of minute setae.  The four pairs of spiracles are situated on the second thoracic and first three abdominal segments.


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                 Fig. 104


The larva of L. affinis as described by Graenicher, differs from the above in having only three pairs of sensory hairs on the head and two pairs on each body segment, and they are proportionately longer than in L. gigas.


The third‑instar larva of L. gigas described by Parker (Fig.  104C) has a relatively small head bearing conical antennae, five pairs of sensory setae, and simple triangular mandibles.  The segmental spines are as shown in the figure.  The nine pairs of spiracles are situated at the anterior margins of the second and third thoracic and the first seven abdominal segments.  The mature larva was not yet described in 1940, but probably differs from the third instar only in minor details.


References:   Please refer to  <biology.ref.htm>, [Additional references may be found at: MELVYL Library ]